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Modern Seers of Liège (The Sphere, Saturday 29 June 1935)-Tree of knowledge

Modern Seers of Liège (The Sphere, Saturday 29 June 1935)-Tree of knowledge

THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE: The emblem of the Antoinists that symbolises their power to discern between good and evil Traduction : L'ARBRE DE LA CONNAISSANCE : L'emblème des Antoinistes qui symbolise leur pouvoir à discerner entre le bien et le mal

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Modern Seers of Liège (The Sphere, Saturday 29 June 1935)-Study in contemplation

Modern Seers of Liège (The Sphere, Saturday 29 June 1935)-Study in contemplation

A STUDY IN CONTEMPLATION: Brother Hosias, the early representative of Father Antoin, by whose inspiration and contact with the founder's spirit the Antoinists are guided. Having created an atmosphere of peace and concentration among the members of the...

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Modern Seers of Liège (The Sphere, Saturday 29 June 1935)-Only believe

Modern Seers of Liège (The Sphere, Saturday 29 June 1935)-Only believe

ONLY BELIEVE, AND YOU SHALL BE SAVED: This is the essence of Father Antoin's doctrine, which he communicated to his followers in sundry writings, to be read regularly at every Sunday service by one of the brothers Traduction : IL SUFFIT DE CROIRE, ET...

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Modern Seers of Liège (The Sphere, Saturday 29 June 1935)-Administering the doctrine

Modern Seers of Liège (The Sphere, Saturday 29 June 1935)-Administering the doctrine

ADMINISTERING THE DOCTRINE: Sick disciples are cared for by the Antoinists and wait patiently in the entrance hall of the temple until they are called before one of the brothers for treatment Traduction : ADMINISTRATION DE LA DOCTRINE : Les disciples...

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Antoiniste cult followers, Liège - Sunday (Kurt Lubinski)

Antoiniste cult followers, Liège - Sunday (Kurt Lubinski)

Antoiniste cult followers, Liège - Father and daughters wearing the Sunday garb of the cult (Kurt Lubinski) Adeptes du culte Antoiniste, Liège - Un Père et ses filles portant la robe du dimanche pour le culte.

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Temple of the Antoinistes, Liège - congregation (Kurt Lubinski)

Temple of the Antoinistes, Liège - congregation (Kurt Lubinski)

Temple of the Antoinistes, Liège - The congregation is seen leaving the church after Sunday service (Kurt Lubinski) Temple des Antoinistes, Liège - La congrégation en train de quitter l'église après de service du dimanche.

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Temple of the Antoinistes, Liège - intérieur (Kurt Lubinski)

Temple of the Antoinistes, Liège - intérieur (Kurt Lubinski)

Het interieur van de Antoinistentempel in Luik, België. Op de wand achter de kansel hangt in reuzenletters de leer van deze stroming, in het midden een afbeelding van Vader Antoine, de stichter ervan. L'intérieur du Temple Antoiniste à Liège, Belgique....

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Temple of the Antoinistes, Liège - consultation (Kurt Lubinski)

Temple of the Antoinistes, Liège - consultation (Kurt Lubinski)

Temple of the Antoinistes, Liège (Kurt Lubinski) Credit: 'Temple of the Antoinistes, Liège: the priest faces a portrait of Father Antoine, entreating him to help heal a sick follower. Photograph by Kurt Lubinski, 1920/1940.' by Kurt. Lubinski. Credit:...

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Armen die op de stoep van de Antoinistentempel

Armen die op de stoep van de Antoinistentempel

Armen die op de stoep van de Antoinistentempel zitten ontvangen giften van de kerkbezoekers Pauvres assis sur les marches du temple antoiniste recevant l'aumône des pratiquants (photo de Kurt et Margot Lubinski) source : www.spaarnestadphoto.nl

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Antoinisten (leden van een kerkelijke stroming)

Antoinisten (leden van een kerkelijke stroming)

Antoinisten (leden van een kerkelijke stroming) luisteren in hun tempel aandachtig naar een lezing van de leer van Vader Antoine Antoinistes (membres d'un courant religieux) écoutant attentivement dans leur temple la lecture de l'Enseignement du Père...

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