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The Latest Sect (The Tatler, December 21, 1910)(archive.org)

Publié le par antoiniste

The Latest Sect (The Tatler, December 21, 1910)(archive.org)


A Wonderful Faith-healer Arises in Belgium


A new religion has taken Belgium by storm, the followers being known as Antoinists. This new sect has as its head one Antoine the Healer, who is seen above. Antoine is an ex-miner and has stirred the inhabitants of Jemeppe near Liège to their foundations by his remarkable preachings. A petition for the legal recognition of the sect has just been presented to the Belgian Government. This petition is said to have been signed by over 160,000 adherents. Antoinism is apparently a blend of faith-healing and Spiritualism, and the "Healer's" followers obey him unhesitatingly in everything. Wonderful cures by Antoine and his adept are reported from Jemeppe.

The Tatler, December 21, 1910 (source : archive.org)

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